What unlikely name is the Turkish Van cat also known?

What unlikely name is the Turkish Van cat also known?

The Turkish Van is nicknamed the “swimming cat” for his love of water. It’s not unusual to find him splashing in ponds, pools or any other water he can find. This is a smart, active, loving cat with a silky, medium-length coat that is easy to groom. Most Vans are white with color on the head and tail.

How much is a Turkish Van cat worth?

CFA has registered approximately 100 Turkish Vans born each year in the US, making them one of the rarest cat breeds. The Turkish Vans kitten can cost you between 800 dollars to 1500 dollars approximately.

Are Turkish Vans good cats?

Turkish Van cats are extremely intelligent and friendly and they make excellent companions. They are lively cats and will enjoy playing games with humans or other cats and so they need stimluaton and a chance to play.

Is Turkish Van rare?

The cat known in the United States as the Turkish Van is a rare and ancient breed that developed in central and southwest Asia, which today encompasses the countries of Iran, Iraq, southwest Soviet Union and eastern Turkey. Even in areas where the breed has been known for centuries, they are still relatively rare.

Are Turkish Vans lap cats?

They’re not much of a lap cat, but the Turkish Van will be happy to cuddle next to you and sleep in your bed. This is one of the few domestic cat breeds that feel totally comfortable in water. In fact, they might try to play in your tub, sink, or — if you’re not careful — even the toilet.

Are Van cats rare?

Each year, only 100 Van cats are born in America, making them extremely rare.

Are Turkish Vans loyal?

About the Turkish Van While loyal, loving and affectionate, the Turkish Van is highly intelligent and highly active. They need plenty of exercise which can come from exploring outdoors or play with interactive cat toys.

Are Turkish Van cats lap cats?

Are Turkish Vans cuddly?

Turkish Vans like to be cuddled and held on their own terms, though not for long periods of time, and while they’re loving cats, they aren’t very tolerant of people tugging at their tails or trying to pet them.

Are Turkish Van cats deaf?

Van-patterned Turkish Vans are not prone to deafness, because their phenotype is associated with the van pattern (Sv) semi-dominant gene. Solid-white Turkish angoras carry the epistatic (masking) white colour (W) dominant gene associated with white fur, blue eyes and often deafness.

Are Turkish Van cats playful?

Personality. The Turkish Van cat personality is best described as energetic, playful and fun-loving. She requires a lot of attention from her pet parents, so she’s the perfect match for those who have a lot of time and love to share with their fur baby.

What is the life expectancy of a Turkish Van cat?

12-17 years
The expected Turkish Van cat lifespan is 12-17 years. Although this is the average life expectancy for cats of this breed, a cat’s longevity can be affected by numerous factors, including their diet, exercise regimen, living environment, and whether they have any health problems.

What kind of cat is a Turkish Van?

The Turkish Van (pronounced Turkish “Vahn”) cat is literally one of the most ancient cat breeds on the planet. This cat can trace its ancestry back to the same area where homo sapiens first lived. We have the full scoop on this unique cat breed over here.

What do Turkish Vans like to play with?

Many Turkish Van cats like to retrieve tossed toys like small balls and toy mice. Unlike many cats, Turkish Vans actually like playing and splashing in water, so consider offering some supervised water play opportunities in the sink or bathtub.

What kind of tail does a Turkish Van have?

Mature Turkish Vans also have a full neck ruff and brush tail. The Turkish Van experiences a seasonal heavy shed to reveal its summer coat, which is much shorter to help the cat stay cool in the warm months.

What is the difference between Turkish Angora and Turkish Van cats?

The Turkish Angora is smaller and finer boned than the Turkish Van, and comes in more colors and patterns. Turkish Van cats are friendly, outgoing and affectionate, especially with their beloved human family members. They tend to get along well with other cats, dogs and respectful kids.