What kind of government did Maximilian Robespierre set up?

What kind of government did Maximilian Robespierre set up?

On July 27, 1793, Robespierre was elected to the Committee of Public Safety, formed to oversee the government with virtual dictatorial control. Faced with pressures both from the outside and from within, the Revolutionary government instituted the Reign of Terror in September.

What type of government did France have under the National Convention & Maximilien Robespierre?

Created after the great insurrection of 10 August 1792, it was the first French government organized as a republic, abandoning the monarchy altogether….National Convention.

National Convention Convention nationale
Autel de la Convention nationale or Autel républicain François-Léon Sicard (1913) Panthéon, Paris
Type Unicameral

Did Robespierre overthrow the monarchy?

After the downfall of the monarchy in August 1792, Robespierre was elected first deputy for Paris to the National Convention. The convention abolished the monarchy, declared France a republic and put the king on trial for treason, all measures strongly supported by Robespierre. The king was executed in January 1793.

What were the policies of Robespierre government?

The policies of Robespierre and the Reign of Terror were: Maximillian Robespierre followed a policy of severe control and punishment. Equal distribution of meat and bread. The maximum upper limit was set on wages and prices. Citizens were made to eat loaf made of whole wheat.

What revolutionary government replaced the National Convention?

The National Convention occurred from September 1792 until October 1795, during some of the most violent periods of the French Revolution. It formed following the end of the Legislative Assembly and would later be replaced by the Directory.

How did Robespierre pursue policies?

Answer: robespierre followed a policy of severe control and punishment. Equality was also sought to be practised through forms of speech and address. he persued his policy so rentlessly that even his supporters began to demand moderation .

Who was in charge after Robespierre?

Maximilien Robespierre
Preceded by Thomas-Augustin de Gasparin
Succeeded by Jacques Nicolas Billaud-Varenne
In office 25 March 1793 – 3 April 1793 member of the Commission of Public Safety
24th President of the National Convention

Who was Robespierre and what did he do?

Synopsis. Maximilien de Robespierre was born on May 6, 1758, in Arras, France. He was a radical Jacobin leader and one of the principal figures in the French Revolution. In the latter months of 1793 he came to dominate the Committee of Public Safety, the principal organ of the Revolutionary government during the Reign of Terror,…

Why was Robespierre elected to the Committee of Public Safety?

On July 27, 1793, Robespierre was elected to the Committee of Public Safety, which was formed in April to protect France against its enemies, foreign and domestic, and to oversee the government. Under his leadership, the committee came to exercise virtual dictatorial control over the French government.

What reforms did Robespierre take during his reign of Terror?

Maximilian Robespierre,the leader of Jacobin party in France took several reforms. He followed a severe policy of severe punishment and control. His period was known as reign of terror. He forbidden the use of the most expensive white flour, issued laws placing maximum ceiling on wages and prizes.

How was Robespierre overthrown in the French Revolution?

Robespierre overthrown in France. Maximilien Robespierre, the architect of the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror, is overthrown and arrested by the National Convention. As the leading member of the Committee of Public Safety from 1793, Robespierre encouraged the execution, mostly by guillotine, of more than 17,000 enemies of the Revolution.