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What is the process of warping?
Warping is the process of combining yarns from different cones together to form a sheet. The important point in the warping is to preserve the yarn elongation and maintain it at uniform level. This is done to achieve a better performance during weaving in terms of low end breakage rate.
What are the type of warping?
There are two types of warping process used in woven fabric production. These are in the below: Pattern warping or sectional warping, Beam warping or high speed warping.
How does a warping machine work?
A sectional warping machine consists of three basic units, which are the creel, winding drum, and beaming unit. In section warping, warp yarns are organized into yarn bands (sections), each having the same warp density as for the weaver’s beam. Then, the yarn sheet is transferred from the drum onto the weaver’s beams.
What is the objective of warping?
The objective of warping process is to convert the yarn packages into a warper’s beam having desired width and containing requisite number of ends. Uniform tension is maintained on individual yarns during warping.
What is Warpers beam?
Direct warping is a process of combining yarns from different packages to form a sheet of warp threads on a warpers beam. A warpers beam has a lower number of warp threads on it and these warpers beams are combined during the sizing process to form a single weavers beam.
What is warping or beaming?
Beaming comprises winding the full width of the warp yarns in a single winding operation on the weaving beam (i.e. the beam which is to be placed on the loom). The warp yarns can be wound from a creel or a warping beam. Leasing comprises inserting lease cords between the warp yarns to separate groups of warp yarns.
What is warping in structures?
The warping deformation is an unusual distortion which characterizes thin-walled open section beams. This phenomenon, usually neglected for most of structural elements, appears in presence of transverse loads, in particular if they cause torsional effects.
What is cloth beam?
Definition of cloth beam : the cylinder of a loom on which cloth is rolled as it is woven. — called also fore beam.
What is winding in textile?
Winding process can be defined as the transfer of spinning yarn from one package to another large package (cone, spool, pirn etc). On the other hand it can be defined as the transfer of yarn from ring bobbin, hanks etc into a convenient form of package containing considerable long length of yarn.
Which is stronger warp or weft?
Warps yarns are stronger compared to weft yarns. During the weaving warps are held under high tension, moves up and down for shed formation. Warp yarns are finer than weft yarns. The weft yarn is inserted over-an-under the warp yarns.
What is warp winding?
2010 3rd yearTextile Engineering, Wollo university (KIOT) Page 2 WARP WINDING Winding is the process of transferring yarns from ring, bobbin, hank etc into a suitable package. This makes using the yarn on subsequent machines both easier and more economical.
What are essential features of a good warp?
Warp yarn must be dust free and clean. Knots of a warp yarn should be minimum. Application of size materials on warp yarn should be standard and knots must be proper otherwise warp yarn face difficulties during passing into the eye. Arrangement of warp yarn in the weavers beam should be parallel.
What is the warping process?
During the warping process, a continuous sheet of many warp ends (individual warp yarn is called end) is prepared and is wound on the warper’s beam or weaver beam. The beam is a roller having flanges at both sides of it. In the warp sheet, all the ends are parallel and equally spaced to one another.
What are the different types of warping in textile industry?
There are two types of warping are popular in textile industry for preparing warp yarn for power driven high speed looms or hand looms. These are: When the yarns are drawn from the single packages on the creel directly onto the beam then it is called direct warping. It is also called high speed warping or beam warping.
What should be the tension during warping of a sheet?
All the yarn ends in the sheet should be wound at almost uniform tension. The density of wound yarn beam should be uniform across the width & from start to end of winding the sheet. Following are some of the normal problems during warping:
What is sectional warping?
Sectional warping is also applied for fabrics with different colors in the warp. The warp yarns have to be oriented strictly parallel in order to prevent any yarn breaks (ends down) in the weaving process, which is achieved by a controlled winding of the warp. 2.49.