What is the area below the ankle called?

What is the area below the ankle called?

The medial malleolus, felt on the inside of your ankle is part of the tibia’s base. The posterior malleolus, felt on the back of your ankle is also part of the tibia’s base. The lateral malleolus, felt on the outside of your ankle is the low end of the fibula.

What is directly below the ankle bone?

Now let’s look at the bone that articulates with the tibia and fibula to form the ankle joint – the talus. This is the talus. The bone below and behind it is the calcaneus, or heel bone.

What is foot lower part called?

The foot can be subdivided into the hindfoot, the midfoot, and the forefoot: The hindfoot is composed of the talus (or ankle bone) and the calcaneus (or heel bone). The two long bones of the lower leg, the tibia and fibula, are connected to the top of the talus to form the ankle.

What makes up the lower part of the ankle?

Talus: also called the ankle bone, sits above the heel bone (calcaneus) and makes up the lower part of the ankle joint by connecting the tibia and fibula with the foot. Cuboid: a cube-shaped bone that connects the foot to the ankle and helps provide stability to the foot.

What is calcaneus?

The calcaneus is the large bone at the heel of the foot. It is usually fractured after a fall from a great height or in a motor vehicle accident.

What bone forms the outside (lateral) portion of the ankle?

The fibula forms the outside (lateral) portion of the ankle The talus is also known as the ankle bone and is found underneath the tibia and fibula. The calcaneus is also known as the heel bone and is found under the talus

What are the important structures of the ankle?

The important structures of the ankle can be divided into several categories. These include The top of the foot is referred to as the dorsal surface. The sole of the foot is the plantar surface. The ankle joint is formed by the connection of three bones. The ankle bone is called the talus.

What is the function of the ankle and subtalar joint?

The ankle joint allows up-and-down movement of the foot. The subtalar joint sits below the ankle joint, and allows side-to-side motion of the foot. Numerous ligaments (made of tough, moveable tissue) surround the true ankle and subtalar joints, binding the bones of the leg to each other and to those of the foot.

What are the bumps on the inside of my ankle called?

The bony bumps (or protrusions) seen and felt on the ankle have their own names: The medial malleolus, felt on the inside of your ankle is part of the tibia’s base The posterior malleolus, felt on the back of your ankle is also part of the tibia’s base The lateral malleolus, felt on the outside of your ankle is the low end of the fibula