What is multiple intelligence test?

What is multiple intelligence test?

so What is MI Test. It is a Study of 9 Multiple Intelligence composition of Human brain with help of MI Theory. Invented By Dr. Howard Gardner. He is Professor and scientist in Harvard University which is invented in 1983.

What are multiple intelligence skills?

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES Numbers or logic (logical-mathematical intelligence). Pictures (spatial intelligence). Music (musical intelligence). Self-reflection (intrapersonal intelligence). A physical experience (bodily-kinesthetic intelligence).

What is the multiple intelligences model?

In order to capture the full range of abilities and talents that people possess, Gardner theorizes that people do not have just an intellectual capacity, but have many kinds of intelligence, including musical, interpersonal, spatial-visual, and linguistic intelligences. …

How do you assess multiple intelligence in teaching/learning process?

How to Use Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

  1. Get to Know Your Students Better. There are many MI assessment tools available online and to print for use in your classroom.
  2. Expand Upon Traditional Activities.
  3. Linguistic.
  4. Logical-Mathematical.
  5. Bodily-Kinesthetic.
  6. Visual-Spatial.
  7. Musical.
  8. Interpersonal.

Why is multiple intelligence important?

The multiple intelligence theory can draw students back into learning. Using the different intelligences to teach a concept allows each of your diverse learners a chance to succeed at learning. The learner with strength in the visual-spatial intelligence will do well with drawing and puzzles.

What are the 7 types of intelligence?

These seven different kinds of smart are:

  • Word Smart (linguistic intelligence)
  • Math Smart (numerical/reasoning/logic intelligence)
  • Physically Smart (kinesthetic intelligence)
  • Music Smart (musical intelligence)
  • People Smart (interpersonal intelligence)
  • Self Smart (intrapersonal intelligence)

What are the 8 types of multiple intelligence?

To broaden this notion of intelligence, Gardner introduced eight different types of intelligences consisting of: Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalist.

What are the 9 multiple intelligence?

Here is an overview of the multiple intelligences theory, summarized by ASCD:

  • Naturalist Intelligence.
  • Musical Intelligence.
  • Logical-Mathematical Intelligence.
  • Existential Intelligence.
  • Interpersonal Intelligence.
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence.
  • Linguistic Intelligence.
  • Intra-personal Intelligence.

What are examples of multiple intelligences?

Multiple Intelligences

  • Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”)
  • Logical-mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”)
  • Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”)
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence (“body smart”)
  • Musical intelligence (“music smart”)
  • Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”)

What is multiple intelligence in teaching?

Multiple intelligences refers to a theory describing the different ways students learn and acquire information. The theory posits that an understanding of which type(s) of intelligence a student may possess can help teachers adjust learning styles, and suggest certain career paths for learners.

How can teachers use multiple intelligences in the classroom?

People can have varying levels of each intelligence, and they can change over time. Teachers can use multiple intelligences in the classroom for the benefit of their students by customizing lessons, classroom layouts and assignments for these multiple intelligences.

How can multiple intelligences help the students?

What are the multiple intelligences?

Multiple intelligences is a theory first posited by Harvard developmental psychologist Howard Gardner in 1983 that suggests human intelligence can be differentiated into eight modalities: visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, musical-rhythmic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic and bodily-kinesthetic.

How is multiple intelligences theory used in curriculum development?

Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory can be used for curriculum development, planning instruction, selection of course activities, and related assessment strategies.

What is the theory of multiple intelligences According to Gardner?

Gardner first outlined his theory in his 1983 book “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences,” where he suggested that all people have different kinds of “intelligences.”. Gardner proposed that there are eight intelligences, and has suggested the possible addition of a ninth known as “existentialist intelligence.”.

What is the biggest mistake in teaching multiple intelligences?

The big mistake: In popular culture, and in our educational system, the theory of multiple intelligences has too often been conflated with learning styles, reducing Gardner’s premise of a multifaceted system back to a single “preferred intelligence”: Students are visual or auditory learners, for example, but never both.