What is a simile for worried?

What is a simile for worried?

Similes for worried. A simile is a comparison of two different things. He is as scared as a mouse. Blackmore: 1: Scared, like to a man that with a ghost was marred.

What is the similes of difficult?


Difficult as to hiss and yawn at the same time. —Anonymous 4
Difficult as to pin a medal on a shadow. —Anonymous 5
Difficult as to sail the sea in an egg shell. —Anonymous 6
Difficult as to remember a rhyme made in a dream. —Anonymous 7
Difficult as to walk a mile on stilts upon a line of feather-beds. —Anonymous 8

What is an adjective for worried?

bothered, clutched, concerned, distracted, distressed, disturbed, frightened, perturbed, tense, tormented, upset, afraid, apprehensive, beside oneself, distraught, fearful, fretful, hung up, ill at ease, nervous.

What do you call a worried person?

worrier. noun. someone who worries a lot.

How do you describe being scared?

Something that makes us scared is scary and there is no related adjective for afraid: Scared, frightened, afraid and terrified are probably the most common adjectives to describe feeling fear, but if you want to broaden your vocabulary, there are many other useful alternatives.

Who was trembling like a leaf?

If you say that someone is shaking like a leaf, you mean that their body is shaking a lot, for instance because they are very cold or frightened.

What are some examples of similes for being scared?

Some similes for being scared… My fear clouds my senses like the morning clouds the shore. I feel like a deer that is caught in the headlights and blinded by death’s suddenly-invisible 35mph-approach. Being scared is like having a shiver stuck in your spine that you can feel in your eyelids.

What are some words to describe someone who is worried?

WORDS RELATED TO WORRIED. afraid. adjective fearful. abashed. aghast. alarmed. anxious. apprehensive. aroused. blanched. cowardly. cowed. daunted. discouraged. disheartened. apprehensive. distraught. distressed. fearful.

How would you describe being scared in a sentence?

I feel like a deer that is caught in the headlights and blinded by death’s suddenly-invisible 35mph-approach. Being scared is like having a shiver stuck in your spine that you can feel in your eyelids. Also, what are some similes for Scared?

Is anxiety a war metaphor?

There are many war metaphors in our language for whenever people go through struggle in their personal lives. And this metaphor of things being a “battle” constructs anxiety as an enemy who you are at war with. People might use this metaphor when explaining why they have so many bad days.