What is a homophone for Paws?

What is a homophone for Paws?

Pause and paws are two words that are pronounced in the same way but are spelled differently and have different meanings. They are homophones.

What is a good sentence for homophone?

Some common examples of homophones, including the words used in a sentence, are: brake/break: When teaching my daughter how to drive, I told her if she didn’t hit the brake in time she would break the car’s side mirror. cell/sell: If you sell drugs, you will get arrested and end up in a prison cell.

What is homophones give 10 examples?

Homonyms is a broad term for words that sound or are spelled the same but have different meanings. Let’s take a closer look at homophones….Examples of Homophones.

ad, add ate, eight
aunt, ant be, bee
blew, blue buy, by, bye
cell, sell hear, here
hour, our its, it’s

What is homophones give 5 example?

Sometimes, homophones are even spelled and sound exactly the same but still have different meanings: ‘rose’ (the flower) and ‘rose’ (past tense of rise); ‘lie’ (to tell an untruth) and ‘lie’ (to lie down); ‘bear’ (the animal) and ‘bear’ (to put up with) are more examples of homophones.

What is homophone right?

The homophones “right,” “rite,” “wright,” and “write” are pronounced the same but have very different meanings, histories, and uses.

What is the homophone of rain?

Rain, rein, and reign are homophones. They are three words that sound the same but are spelled differently.

What are the 25 examples of homophones?

25 Sets of English Homophones All English Learners Should Know

  • ate, eight. ate (verb): This is the simple past tense of the verb “to eat.”
  • bare, bear. bare (adjective): If something is bare, it means that it’s not covered or not decorated.
  • buy, by, bye.
  • cell, sell.
  • dew, do, due.
  • eye, I.
  • fairy, ferry.
  • flour, flower.

What is a homophone example?

A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and/or spelling. “Flower” and “flour” are homophones because they are pronounced the same but you certainly can’t bake a cake using daffodils.

What are the 50 examples of homophones?

50 Homophones with Meanings and Examples

  • Aunt (noun) or Aren’t (contraction) –
  • Ate (verb) or Eight(noun) –
  • Air (noun) or Heir (noun) –
  • Board (noun) or Bored (adjective) –
  • Buy (verb) or By (preposition) or Bye (exclamation) –
  • Brake (noun, verb) or Break (noun, verb) –
  • Cell (noun) or Sell (verb) –

What are the 20 examples of homophones?

20 Example of Homophones

1 Ad Add
2 Ball Bawl
3 Caret Carrot
4 Dual Duel
5 Eye I

Can letter silent?

The word sounds identical to kernel, which is an honorable, respectfully spelled word. L is also silent in could, should, would, as well as in calf and half, and in chalk, talk, walk, and for many people in calm, palm, and psalm.

What is the homophone of hair?

Homonyms; Hair and Hare and Other Words That Sound the Same but Look As Different As Bear and Bare.