What does left flank March mean?

What does left flank March mean?

4. Left Flank,MARCH is a two-part command, Left Flank is the preparatory command, and MARCH is the command of execution.

What does left flank mean?

: the area on the side of an animal (such as a horse) between the ribs and the hip. : the right or left side of a military formation. : the side of something.

What is a military flank?

In military tactics, a flanking maneuver is a movement of an armed force around an enemy force’s side, or flank, to achieve an advantageous position over it.

How many steps is a platoon?

HOW MANY STEPS SHOULD SEPARATE THE PLATOONS WHEN THE COMPANY IS FORMED? Five Steps. What command is given that will permit a soldier to talk while in formation? “Rest,” if stationary; “Route Step,March” if marching.

Where is the flank on a woman?

The flank is the area on the sides and back of your abdomen, between your lower ribs and your hips. Pain in this area is called flank pain. Several injuries, diseases and infections can cause pain in the flanks.

What are the bones and joints of the foot called?

Bones and Joints. The skeleton of the foot begins with the talus, or ankle bone, that forms part of the ankle joint. The two bones of the lower leg, the large tibia and the smaller fibula, come together at the ankle joint to form a very stable structure known as a. mortise and tenon joint.

What is the tendon behind the ankle called?

Two tendons run behind the outer bump of the ankle (called the lateral malleolus) and help turn the foot outward. Many small ligaments hold the bones of the foot together.

Are there any analogous bones between the hand and the foot?

For instance, while analogous bones do exist between the hand and the foot, such as the metatarsal bones and the phalanges (analogous to the metacarpal bones and phalanges of the hand) the bones of the feet are smaller, more sturdy in nature, and have limited motion when compared to the bones of the hand.

How many bones are in the lateral column of the foot?

The lateral column is stiffer and includes the calcaneus, cuboid, and the 4th and 5th metatarsals. The foot is comprised of 28 bones (Figure 1). Where two bones meet a joint is formed –often supported by strong ligaments. It is helpful to think of the joints of the foot based on their mobility (Table 1).