What did Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety do in 1793 94?

What did Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety do in 1793 94?

Committee of Public Safety, French Comité De Salut Public, political body of the French Revolution that gained virtual dictatorial control over France during the Reign of Terror (September 1793 to July 1794).

What role did the Committee of Public Safety play in the French Revolution?

The Committee of Public Safety was created by the National Convention in 1793 with the intent to defend the nation against foreign and domestic enemies, as well as to oversee the new functions of the executive government. Members were elected and served for a period of one month.

What happened to Robespierre?

On July 27, 1794, Robespierre and a number of his followers were arrested at the Hôtel de Ville in Paris. The next day Robespierre and 21 of his followers were taken to the Place de la Révolution (now the Place de la Concorde), where they were executed by guillotine before a cheering crowd.

How did Robespierre influence the French Revolution?

Robespierre actively encouraged the riots and violence that plagued France during the Terror because he believed that fear and terror was necessary for the revolution to succeed, claiming that “terror is nothing else than swift, severe, indomitable justice” (Robespierre, 1794).

How did the Committee of Public Safety affect Robespierre?

Dissension within the committee contributed to the downfall of Robespierre in July 1794, after which the Committee of Public Safety waned in importance; its powers were strictly limited to the areas of diplomacy and war. The arrest of Maximilien Robespierre, July 27, 1794.

What did the Committee of Public Safety do?

The Committee of Public Safety was set up on April 6, 1793, during one of the crises of the Revolution, when France was beset by foreign and civil war. The new committee was to provide for the defense of the nation against its enemies, foreign and domestic, and to oversee the already existing organs of executive government.

How many people died for Robespierre’s cause?

In all, 108 people died for adherence to Robespierre’s cause. The arrest of Maximilien Robespierre, July 27, 1794. Maximilien Robespierre at the guillotine, July 28, 1794. Robespierre’s enemies credited him with dictatorial power, both in the Jacobin Club and in the Committee of Public Safety, a power that he did not have.

What was Robespierre’s role in the suppression of the Girondins?

He exerted his influence to suppress the republican Girondins to the right, the Hébertists to the left and then the Dantonists in the centre. Robespierre is best known for his role as a member of the Committee of Public Safety as he personally signed 542 arrests, especially in spring and summer 1794.