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What continental landform can result when two plates diverge?
When two plates are moving away from each other, we call this a divergent plate boundary. Along these boundaries, magma rises from deep within the Earth and erupts to form new crust on the lithosphere. Most divergent plate boundaries are underwater and form submarine mountain ranges called oceanic spreading ridges.
What landforms are caused by divergent boundaries?
At DIVERGENT boundaries the plates move apart allowing molten magma to rise and form new crust in the form of ridges, valleys and volcanoes. Landforms created by divergent plates include the Mid Atlantic Ridge and the Great African Rift Valley.
What is continental continental divergence?
Continental-continental divergence causes a continent to separate into two or more smaller continents when it is ripped apart along a series of fractures. Eventually, if the process of continental rifting continues (it may fail, leaving the continent fractured but whole), a new sea is born between the two continents.
What happens when an oceanic and continental plate diverge?
When two oceanic plates diverge, underwater ridges and mountain ranges form, such as the mid-Atlantic Ridge. Eventually these mountain ranges can rise above the water to form islands. When two continental plates diverge, great rift valleys can form.
Is formed by divergence of two oceanic plates?
In the case of divergent plate boundaries, two of earth’s plates move away from each other. On the other hand, if two oceanic plates diverged, a mid ocean ridge would form, which is also known as a spreading center. Divergent plate boundaries are commonly associated with shallow earthquakes.
Which of the following are the results of a divergent boundary?
A divergent boundary occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other. Along these boundaries, earthquakes are common and magma (molten rock) rises from the Earth’s mantle to the surface, solidifying to create new oceanic crust. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of divergent plate boundaries.
What is formed in continental continental divergent plate boundaries?
When plate divergence occurs on land, the continental crust rifts, or splits. This effectively creates a new ocean basin as the pieces of the continent move apart. New ocean crust erupts in the void, ultimately creating an ocean between continents. On either side of the ocean are now two different lithospheric plates.
What forms divergent continental plates?
When two continental plates diverge, a valleylike rift develops. This rift is a dropped zone where the plates are pulling apart. As the crust widens and thins, valleys form in and around the area, as do volcanoes, which may become increasingly active.
Which of the following is the effect of the divergence between continental plate?
Effects that are found at this type of plate boundary include: a rift valley sometimes occupied by long linear lakes or a shallow arm of the ocean; numerous normal faults bounding a central rift valley; shallow earthquake activity along the normal faults. Volcanic activity sometimes occurs within the rift.
Which of the following is the effect of the divergence between continental plates?
A divergent plate boundary on land rips apart continents (Figure below). When plate divergence occurs on land, the continental crust rifts, or splits. This effectively creates a new ocean basin as the pieces of the continent move apart.
What are the results of divergence of plates?
Effects that are found at a divergent boundary between oceanic plates include: a submarine mountain range such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; volcanic activity in the form of fissure eruptions; shallow earthquake activity; creation of new seafloor and a widening ocean basin.
What geologic feature is formed between the divergent oceanic plates?
Divergent zones in oceanic plates form a geological feature called a ridge, forced upward by the pressure of the rising magma. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of an oceanic divergent boundary formation.