What Baise means?

What Baise means?

n slang for sexual intercourse.

What does La guerite mean?

: a turret or shelter for a sentry on an old fort.

What does Baise mean in cooking?

Definition of baise-mains : respects, compliments greeted the owners with curtsies and baise-mains— Natacha Stewart.

Is Glazed a cooking method?

Glazing is all about reducing a cooking liquid until it coats your vegetables with a deeply flavored, glossy and beautiful sauce. Same-size cuts will cook more evenly, but if you prefer mixed textures, try using different-size vegetables. It’s up to you. Some vegetables, like pearl onions, are better off left whole.

What is meant by broiling?

broiling, cooking by exposing food to direct radiant heat, either on a grill over live coals or below a gas burner or electric coil.

What does on the basis mean?

: according to : based on Students were chosen/selected on the basis of their grades and test scores.

What is glace de volaille?

Glace de Volaille (Chicken Glaze) Recipe. This glace recipe, called glace de volaille, is a concentrated reduction of chicken stock, so it’s great for flavoring sauces or other dishes that you’re going to serve with chicken.

What does glace de viande?

Glace de viande is a French meat glaze made by reducing stock (dark veal stock, beef stock, or chicken stock) to about one-tenth of its original volume, resulting in a concentrated brown stock with a thick, shiny consistency.

Does broil mean grill UK?

Broiling is a North American term, not really used or understood elsewhere in the world. It means cooking something directly under a very high heat source (what in the UK would be called grilling.) Originally, the heat source would have been gas elements; now, they may be electric instead.

Is broiling an American term?

In my American experience, to broil means to heat something from above as it sits on a slotted pan, so the juices can drip away. Grilling, in my experience, heats from below, and the juices drip down (usually onto the heat source).

What does Baiser mean in French?

Baiser comes from the Latin basiare , meaning “to kiss.” It became slang for sexual “fucking” or “screwing” in the 17th century, as seen in the poetry of François Maynard (1582-1646). In modern French, the word embrasser (“to embrace”) is used as the verb form of “to kiss” to distance it from baiser. Even native French speakers…

What does la bise mean in France?

La bise, France’s favorite greeting, never ceases to confound visitors. So what does la bise entail, and why are we doing it at all? What is “la bise“? While “ bise ” translates to “kiss”, it’s not actually a kiss. That means no lip-to-cheek contact, but rather a light grazing of the cheeks.

What is a BISE kiss in French?

While “bise” translates to “kiss”, it’s not actually a kiss. That means no lip-to-cheek contact, but rather a light grazing of the cheeks. That distinctly French reservedness separates it from, say, “il bacetto” the expressive Italian cheek-kiss. Unlike handshakes, it’s not optional.