What are the 5 climate zones of the Andes?

What are the 5 climate zones of the Andes?

∎ Five climate zones: Caliente (hot), Templada (warm), Fria (cold), Helada (frozen), and Paramos. formed by the subduction of the Pacific plate beneath South America. Argentina – South of Santiago the mountains are lower.

What are the 4 elevation zones in South America?

Traditionally, geographers have divided tropical Latin America up into four temperature-altitude zones: the tierra caliente, the tierra templada, the tierra fria, and the tierra helada.

What is the lowest zone of the Andes?

Physical Characteristics The tierra caliente is the lowest of the four elevation zones of the Andes, extending from sea level to approximately 3,000 feet. The climate of this zone is generally hot and humid, with the average temperature ranging from 75°F to 80°F.

How many climate zones are there in the Andes mountains?

The Andes of Chile and Argentina can be divided into two climatic and glaciological zones: the Dry Andes and the Wet Andes. Since the Dry Andes extend from the latitudes of Atacama Desert to the area of Maule River, precipitation is more sporadic and there are strong temperature oscillations.

What climate zone is found in the Andes mountains?

As you go up the mountains the temperature goes down. The classification surrounding the Andes Mountains starting with Colombia is Af, which equals tropical rainforest climates. This is where you find the “cloud forests” of the Andes.

What is a mountain life zone?

Introduction. Communities designated “alpine” exist on mountains and high plateaus above treeline, a zone of stunted woody plants that marks the upper limits of tree growth.

What are the Andes Mountains?

The mountain range can be divided into the southern Andes, the central Andes and the northern Andes. The northern Andes extends through Bolivia, Venezuela and Ecuador and mainly consists of volcanic summits of 5,000 meters. The Nudo de los Pastos can also be found here which divides the mountain range into two parts.

What are the major mountain ranges of the Altiplano plateau?

The Altiplano plateau is the world’s second-highest after the Tibetan plateau. These ranges are in turn grouped into three major divisions based on climate: the Tropical Andes, the Dry Andes, and the Wet Andes. The Andes Mountains are the highest mountain range outside Asia.

What type of plate boundary caused the Andes Mountains?

The collision (or convergence) of two of these plates—the continental South American Plate and the oceanic Nazca Plate —gave rise to the orogenic (mountain-building) activity that produced the Andes. Many of the rocks comprising the present-day cordilleras are of great age.

What crops are grown in the Andes Mountains?

Farmers grow crops that do well at high elevations, including potatoes, wheat, barley, corn, apples and pears. Another common practice within the Andes Mountains is vertical trade, which is the trading of farm products between higher and lower elevations.