What are reactants and producers?

What are reactants and producers?

Reactants are substances that start a chemical reaction, and products are substances that are produced in the reaction.

Which are the reactants of photosynthesis?

The process of photosynthesis is commonly written as: 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2. This means that the reactants, six carbon dioxide molecules and six water molecules, are converted by light energy captured by chlorophyll (implied by the arrow) into a sugar molecule and six oxygen molecules, the products.

What are the producers and reactants of photosynthesis?

The reactants for photosynthesis are light energy, water, carbon dioxide and chlorophyll, while the products are glucose (sugar), oxygen and water.

Which are the reactants or inputs?

The inputs, or reactants, of cellular respiration are glucose and oxygen. The outputs, or products, of cellular respiration are water, carbon dioxide…

What are examples of reactants?

Examples of Reactants

  • The wax of a candle and oxygen in air are reactants in a combustion reaction.
  • When you burn methane gas, the reactants are methane (CH4) and oxygen in air (O2).
  • When water forms from its elements, the reactants are hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) gas.

How many reactants are there?

Element-reactant-product table

Element Number of reactants Number of products
Hydrogen 5 5
Carbon 3 3
Oxygen 5 5
Sodium 1 1

What are reactants of respiration?

Anaerobic respiration

Aerobic respiration
Oxygen Present
Oxidation of glucose Complete
Reactants of respiration Glucose and oxygen
Products of respiration Carbon dioxide and water (and ATP)

Where do the reactants enter the leaf?

Carbon dioxide and water. b. Where do these reactants enter the leaf? CO, enters though underside of the leaf, water enters through the central vein.

Which substances are the reactants?

The substances that go into a chemical reaction are called the reactants, and the substances produced at the end of the reaction are known as the products.

What are chemical reactants?

Definition of reactant : a substance that enters into and is altered in the course of a chemical reaction.

What are two reactants?

Methane and oxygen (oxygen is a diatomic — two-atom — element) are the reactants, while carbon dioxide and water are the products. All the reactants and products are gases (indicated by the g’s in parentheses). In this reaction, all reactants and products are invisible.

What are the reactants and products of this chemical reaction?

Methane and oxygen (oxygen is a diatomic — two-atom — element) are the reactants, while carbon dioxide and water are the products. All the reactants and products are gases (indicated by the g’s in parentheses). In this reaction, all reactants and products are invisible.

What happens to the reactants when they convert to products?

When one or more reactants are converting to products, they may go through different modifications and energy changes. The chemical bonds in the reactants are breaking, and new bonds are forming to generate products, which are totally different from the reactants.

How do you determine the amount of product produced after a reaction?

Amount of product produced after a reaction is determined by the amount of reactants used, reaction time, rate, etc. Products are what we are interested after a reaction; therefore, there are various methods to detect and purify products. What is the difference between Reactants and Products?

What are the reactants and products of photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis During photosynthesis, light energy converts carbon dioxide and water (the reactants) into glucose and oxygen (the products). Download Photosynthesis Lab Activities 1.
