What are Hawaiian guys called?

What are Hawaiian guys called?

Haole (/ˈhaʊliː/; Hawaiian [ˈhɔule]) is a Hawaiian word for individuals who are not Native Hawaiian or Polynesian. In Hawaii, it may mean any foreigner or anything else introduced to the Hawaiian islands of foreign origin, though it is most commonly applied to people of European ancestry.

What does the Hawaiian word Lolo mean?

dumb, goofy or crazy
LOLO (lō-lō) A Hawaiian language word meaning dumb, goofy or crazy.

What does Boom Kanani mean?

Boom kanani (boom kuh-nuh-knee) Ah yeah! You say boom kanani when you’re excited and happy. Snap a great pic while you’re in Hawaii, post it on social media, and tag it #boomkanani for maximum effect.

What does Kine mean in Hawaiian?

the kind
It’s a widely used expression in Hawaii pidgin English. Roughly translated, it means “the kind,” similar to the pidgin expression any kine, which itself means “any kind.” But da kine’s meaning is more complex.

What are Polynesians called?

Polynesians, including Samoans, Tongans, Niueans, Cook Islands Māori, Tahitian Mā’ohi, Hawaiian Māoli, Marquesans and New Zealand Māori, are a subset of the Austronesian peoples.

What does Kea mean in Hawaiian?

[Hawaiian Dictionary(Hwn to Eng)] kea. 1. nvs. White, clear; fair-complexioned person, often favorites at court (Malo 201); shiny, white mother-of-pearl shell, Cf.

What does Kapu mean in Hawaiian?

forbidden, sacred
Kapu means forbidden, sacred or holy. The Kapu system was made for women and mens protection, but also their corrections or rights against each other.

What does Shishi mean in Hawaii?

Urine or urination
Shishi: Urine or urination, used in “go shishi” or “make shishi”. The Double-Tongued Dictionary gives three possible etymologies for “shishi”: imitative from the sound of urinating, Japanese reduplicated shi from shiko “urinate” (sic., probably shito 尿 “urine”), or Portuguese xixi “urinate”.

What is the meaning of Malama?

mālama — Pukui-Elbert, Haw to Eng / mā. lama /, 1. nvt., To take care of, tend, attend, care for, preserve, protect, beware, save, maintain; to keep or observe, as a taboo; to conduct, as a service; to serve, honor, as God; care, preservation, support, fidelity, loyalty; custodian, caretaker, keeper.

What does Akamai mean in Hawaiian?

Akamai, pronounced “ah-ka-my”) is Hawaiian for intelligent, or “cool.”

What does Chee mean in Hawaiian?

Chee comes from the word Cheehoo, a Hawaiian slang originating from the Samoa culture. It is a term that is often used around family and friends in a positive light. “Cheehoo!” is exclaimed when you are celebrating or if something is exciting. The term is most similar to terms like woohoo, yee-haw, or wahoo.

What is the meaning of ohana?

extended family
Ohana is a Hawaiian word which refers to a person’s extended family, which can include friends and other important social groups.