Is wood shavings bad for gerbils?

Is wood shavings bad for gerbils?

It is best to avoid strong smelling shavings like cedar, or scented shavings as the oils in these materials can cause allergic reactions and eye and breathing problems. Gerbils will tend to chew on the larger pieces of shavings as part of their normal nest making activities.

Is Cotton safe for gerbils?

Gerbils, especially young gerbils, have been known to lose limbs when they have gotten tangled in paper strips. For this reason you should never give your gerbil any fibrous material including cotton wool or pieces of cloth. The only exception is burlap, which can be used safely.

What bedding do you put in a gerbil cage?

Gerbils need a thick layer of dust- extracted bedding to dig into. Organic soil or peat are great natural beddings for your gerbil along with meadow or Timothy hay, plus shredded paper for nesting. Don’t use fluffy material as this can wrap around gerbils’ limbs and injure them.

What fabric is safe for gerbils?

What Is the Best Gerbil Substrate?

Bedding Type Pros
Carefresh: Highly absorbent. Available in various colors.
Kaytee Clean & Cozy: Soft, ideal for nesting. Cheaper than Carefresh. Mostly dust-free.
Hemp: Natural. Completely dust-free. Highly absorbent. Mixes well with other substrates.

Is fleece safe for gerbils?

Gerbils love to use toilet paper, napkins and paper towels as nesting materials. Avoid using any fluff or cloth sold in pet stores for rodents as these can injure gerbils. Fleece is safe hides, hammocks and sacks are safe to use.

Do gerbils need bedding?

Is scented bedding good for gerbils?

Not only that, but cat litter is often perfumed and very dusty – both of which are very bad for gerbil respiratory health. Aromatic woods like cedar and pine should always be avoided. The strong smells can bother gerbils, and the phenols in the wood are toxic.

Can gerbils have paper bedding?

It’s perfectly acceptable to make your own gerbil bedding out of shredded paper. However, avoid using newspaper or any heavily inked paper. Some types of ink are toxic. Gerbils will instinctively chew their bedding, so using heavily inked paper can be dangerous.

Can gerbils have pine shavings?

Numerous types of bedding are unsuitable and unsafe for gerbils. Cedar and pine shavings both give off strong smells that can be hazardous to gerbils. Newspaper is a severe bedding no-no too. The ink emitted by newspapers can be poisonous.

What can I use for gerbil bedding?

Gerbil Bedding Options

  1. Hay – hay is an excellent bedding option for gerbils as it is easy to dig tunnels through, as well as being a natural bedding.
  2. Carefresh or cardboard shavings – this is soft, cozy bedding that is great for tunnelling.

What kind of bedding is best for gerbils?

The best gerbil bedding is a combination of hay, aspen shavings, and paper-based bedding (such as Kaytee Clean & Cozy). A mixture of materials helps gerbils to build sturdy tunnels. Provide your gerbil with at least 6 inches of substrate, and spot-clean weekly. Fully replace the bedding every 3-4 weeks.

Which substrates are unsafe for gerbils?

Which Substrates Are Unsafe for Gerbils? 1 Perfumed Bedding. Some brands of bedding are highly perfumed with chemicals designed to mask odors. They may be labeled as “deodorizing” or “scented. 2 Pellet Bedding. 3 Cat Litter. 4 Cedar and Pine Wood Shavings. 5 Inked Paper (Newspaper and Magazine)

What do you line a gerbil cage with?

An empty cage needs to be lined up with soft material to make it suitable for your gerbil. The material that’s used for lining up the cage floor is called substrate but is sometimes mistakenly called the bedding. But there is a difference between these two terms, although it’s kind of a small difference.

How often should I Change my gerbil bedding?

Provide your gerbil with at least 6 inches of substrate, and spot-clean weekly. Fully replace the bedding every 3-4 weeks. We’ll discuss why gerbils need bedding, and share the best gerbil substrates.