Is the shape of the Earth is like an orange?

Is the shape of the Earth is like an orange?

That shape is called a reference ellipsoid. In basic education, the shape of the Earth is described as being like an orange, a sphere but wider round the equator. This shape is produced by all celestial spinning spheres, such as stars and planets.

What does Earth’s shape resemble?

Since the Earth is flattened at the poles and bulges at the Equator, geodesy represents the figure of the Earth as an oblate spheroid. The oblate spheroid, or oblate ellipsoid, is an ellipsoid of revolution obtained by rotating an ellipse about its shorter axis.

Is an orange a sphere shape?

Naturally, circle and sphere are figures that can be commonly found all around us. Examples of a sphere are maybe easier to find – tennis balls, planets, oranges, globes etc.

What is the shape of the earth compared to?

With GPS and other satellites, scientists can measure Earth’s size and shape to within a centimeter. Pictures from space also show Earth is round like the moon. Even though our planet is a sphere, it is not a perfect sphere. Because of the force caused when Earth rotates, the North and South Poles are slightly flat.

What is the diameter of the Earth compared to the Orange?

Comparing Earth to orange is not fully correct.TOTal difference in diameter betwen equator and poles is only 42 kilometers. Answer deleted. What is the precise shape of the Earth?

What is the actual shape of the Earth?

the actual shape of the earth is oblique spheroid or simply geoid, You may call it the shape of orange if u wish.

What does Earth look like from space?

From space, Earth looks like a blue marble with white swirls and areas of brown, yellow, green and white. The blue is water, which covers about 71 percent of Earth’s surface. The white swirls are clouds. The areas of brown, yellow and green are land.

What are the colors of the earth’s surface?

The blue is water, which covers about 71 percent of Earth’s surface. The white swirls are clouds. The areas of brown, yellow and green are land. And the areas of white are ice and snow.