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Large medals are worn on the service coat or jumper of Full Dress Blues and Full Dress White. When wearing more than one medal, suspend them from a holding bar that supports the medal’s weight. Place the holding bar of the lowest row of medals in the same position as the lowest ribbon bar.
How far above ribbons does warfare device go?
1/4 inch
The insignia is centered above ribbons or medals with the lower edge of the device 1/4 inch above the top row of ribbons or medals.
How do you wear navy ribbons and medals?
Wear ribbons with the lower edge of the bottom row centered 1/4 inch above the left breast pocket and parallel to the deck. To prevent coat lapels from covering ribbons, ribbons may be aligned so the border to wearer’s left is aligned with left side of pocket.
How do you wear medals on uniform?
Your medals should be worn over the left lapel or the left breast pocket of a formal jacket or coat. Medals are mounted on a metal holding bar or bar brooch, and that bar is attached to the lapel. The center of the holding bar should be parallel to the ground.
What does SW mean in the Navy?
Steelworkers (SW) perform tasks directly related to fabrication and erection of pre-engineered structures, including steel reinforcement; control job site deployment of materials and equipment; direct and coordinate the composition, training and efforts of crews who fabricate, assemble, erect, position and join …
What does NEC mean in the Navy?
Navy Enlisted Classification
The Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) system, of which the NEC coding system is a part, supplements the enlisted rating structure in identifying personnel on active or inactive duty and billets in manpower authorizations.
How do you wear war medals?
The rule is that war medals should only be worn on the left breast by the person upon whom they were conferred. Technically this honour remains with the individual and does not pass to a widow, parent or relative upon death.
How do you wear ribbons and medals in the Navy?
Wearing Ribbons and Medals (Text taken directly from Navy Uniform Regulations) Large Medals Large medals are worn on the service coat or jumper of Full Dress Blues and Full Dress White. When wearing more than one medal, suspend them from a holding bar that supports the med- als’ weight.
Where do you put the insignia on a USMC uniform?
The insignia is centered below ribbons with the top of the device 1/4 inch below the top of the pocket or pocket flap, or centered below medals with the top of the device 1/4 inch below the lowest row of medals. (d) Secondary position without ribbons or medals. The insignia is centered 1/4 inch below the top of the pocket or pocket flap.
Where do you put the insignia on a NWU jacket?
For NWU Type III and Navy Coveralls the insignia is centered below and flush with the “U.S. NAVY” service tape on the shirt. For Dinner Dress Jackets, center the insignia on the left lapel, 1/4 inch below medals with the primary insignia. (2) If wearing only one device, place it in the primary position.
Where do you put a Command badge on a military uniform?
When wearing Command Insignia and an identification badge, men center the badge 1/4 inch below the command Insignia, and women center the badge 1/4 inch above the left pocket, ribbons or primary insignia. (c) When worn with Dinner Dress uniforms, only one post tour command insignia may be worn.