How do you find area with length and width?

How do you find area with length and width?

Multiply the length times the width to find the area. State your answer in square units. For instance, if a room is 8 feet by 10 feet, multiply 8 times 10 to get an area of 80 square feet.

How do we calculate area?

Area is calculated by multiplying the length of a shape by its width. In this case, we could work out the area of this rectangle even if it wasn’t on squared paper, just by working out 5cm x 5cm = 25cm² (the shape is not drawn to scale).

How do you find the area of a house shape?

The simplest (and most commonly used) area calculations are for squares and rectangles. To find the area of a rectangle, multiply its height by its width. For a square you only need to find the length of one of the sides (as each side is the same length) and then multiply this by itself to find the area.

How do I calculate sqm?

Multiply the length and width together. Once both measurements are converted into metres, multiply them together to get the measurement of the area in square metres.

How fo you find the area of a rectangle?

To find the area of a rectangle, we multiply the length of the rectangle by the width of the rectangle.

How do you find the length of an area?

To find Length or Breadth when Area of a Rectangle is given

  1. When we need to find length of a rectangle we need to divide area by breadth.
  2. Length of a rectangle = Area ÷ breadth.
  3. ℓ = A ÷ b.
  4. Similarly, when we need to find breadth of a rectangle we need to divide area by length.
  5. Breadth of a rectangle = Area ÷ length.

How do you find the area of combined shapes?

To calculate the area of a composite shape you must divide the shape into rectangles, triangles or other shapes you can find the area of and then add the areas back together. You may have to calculate missing lengths before finding the area of some of the shapes.

How do you calculate plot area in square feet?

Multiply the length by the width and you’ll have the square feet. Here’s a basic formula you can follow: Length (in feet) x width (in feet) = area in sq. ft.