How did Ponyboy kill Bob?

How did Ponyboy kill Bob?

At this pronouncement, Ponyboy erupts, “I had the knife. I killed Bob.” Randy is confused but continues to correct Pony and assure him that Johnny killed Bob. Pony repeats, “Johnny is not dead.” Darry rescues Randy from this scene and tells him that he must go.

How did Johnny Cade kill Bob?

Lesson Summary After Bob and a group of Socs beat Johnny so badly that he nearly dies, Johnny becomes ‘scared of his own shadow’ and begins carrying a switchblade to protect himself. When Bob and some Socs once again attack Johnny and Ponyboy, Johnny keeps his promise to himself and uses the switchblade to kill Bob.

Did Randy kill Bob in the outsiders?

When Randy Adderson visits Ponyboy to discuss the upcoming trial, Pony comments that he was the one who killed Bob Sheldon. Randy tells Ponyboy that he is remembering the incident wrong, but Ponyboy insists that he stabbed Bob. The reason that Ponyboy says that he killed Bob is because he is traumatized.

What happened when Johnny stabbed Bob?

Johnny then pulled out his switchblade and stabbed Bob, killing him. The Socs fled, leaving Bob lying near the fountain, blood spilling from his throat and mouth. When Ponyboy woke up and saw what happened, he had to vomit.

What chapter was Bob killed in the outsiders?

“I killed that boy.” Bob, the handsome leader of the Socs, is lying dead on the ground. Johnny explains that he stabbed Bob in self-defense; the Socs were drowning Ponyboy and preparing to beat Johnny up like they did before. When Bob went down, all the other Socs ran.

When did Johnny kill Bob?

Johnny was pushed to the ground, and then the Socs dunked Ponyboy multiple times in the fountain, and he almost drowned. Johnny then pulled out his switchblade and stabbed Bob, killing him.

Why did Johnny Cade kill Bob?

Johnny killed Bob out of self defense. He knew that another beating was coming, and he killed Bob before it started. Johnny also killed Bob to protect Ponyboy . Had Johnny not killed Bob, it’s likely that Ponyboy would have drowned in that pond.

How did Bob die outsiders?

Bob died at the fountain. Johnny stabbed him because he was drowning Pony and if he didn’t do something, Ponyboy would’ve died. Bob was from the West side. He was a Soc. Bob died at the fountain and it was Johnny that stabbed him because Bob was trying to drown Ponyboy.

Who dies in the Outsiders?

Several characters die throughout the novel The Outsiders. The first casualty in the novel is Bob Sheldon. Bob Sheldon is a Soc, who prides himself on fighting. Johnny stabs and kills Bob because Bob and his friends were attempting to drown Ponyboy in a park fountain.

Who is Bob Sheldon in the Outsiders?

Robert “Bob” Sheldon was Cherry Valance’s boyfriend and a minor antagonist in The Outsiders. One night, when Ponyboy and Johnny are in the park, unwanted and alone, Bob and some other Socs come and pick a fight.