What did Philip lie about in nothing but the truth?

What did Philip lie about in nothing but the truth?

Philip lied about being suspended for singing. This lie impacted and changed the course of the story; it was the start of the whole mess. In the book, Nothing But The Truth, a major lie that greatly impacted how the story turned out was telling if there was or was not a rule about singing the national anthem.

Who does Philip tell the truth to about not going out for the track team?

Philip finally admitted to Ken that the reason he didn’t go out for track was because his grade in English made him ineligible. 20. He knew that everyone there would be upset with him and blame him for Miss Narwin’s resignation.

How does Jake Barlow use the newspaper article about Philip?

How does Jake Barlow use the newspaper article about Philip? Jake Barlow uses the article to stir up the audience and get people to call in.

What did Philip tell the news reporter he plans to do during his suspension?

What does Philip tell the news reporter he plans to do with his suspension? Philip says he will try to keep up with his work and work out with his classmates after school. Liz Says that she wouldn’t let her kids go back to the school unless Miss Narwin was removed.

What happens to Philip at the end of nothing but the truth?

Phil leaves Harrison High School to attend Washington Academy, a private school with no track team. In the final lines of the book, Phil admits he does not even know the words to the national anthem. More summaries and resources for teaching or studying Nothing but the Truth.

Why did Philip start crying at the end of the novel?

Philip begins the deception to protect himself just as any kid would. It grows. Philip doesn’t put it all together until the very end. Hence, the tears.

What was ironic about Dad telling Philip to stand up for himself?

What was ironic about Dad telling Philip to stand up for himself? Margaret Narwin wished for respect from three groups of people. Palleni went to speak with Miss Narwin.

What advice does coach Jamison give Philip?

Coach Jamison tells Philip that he isn’t a team player and shouldn’t ask for any favors. Philip actually expected Miss Narwin to raise his English grade and expects the coach to help him get on the track team.

What did Philip like about all of the attention he was getting?

What did Philip like about all of the attention he was getting? That people thought he is right. Thought he was popular. All the kids at school thought he was wrong to do this to Miss Narwin, and it hurt him as a person.

What did Philip tell his father about the track team?

Philip tells his father that he does not want to be on the track team. Philip hums along with the national anthem because he is patriotic.

Why does Philip cry at the end?

Why did Philip cry at the end of nothing but the truth?

Philip cries on his first day at his new school because he is asked to lead students in singing the National Anthem, but he doesn’t know the words.