What is Peirce Quincuncial projection?

What is Peirce Quincuncial projection?

The Peirce quincuncial map projection shows the world in a square. The projection is conformal except in the middle of the four sides of the square. In its original design, the projection is centered at the North Pole, which displays the equator as a square rotated relative to the projection edge.

What four distortions are there in the Robinson projection?

Distortion. The Robinson projection is neither conformal nor equal-area. It generally distorts shapes, areas, distances, directions, and angles. The distortion patterns are similar to common compromise pseudocylindrical projections.

What is a Lambert map projection?

A Lambert conformal conic projection (LCC) is a conic map projection used for aeronautical charts, portions of the State Plane Coordinate System, and many national and regional mapping systems. Conceptually, the projection seats a cone over the sphere of the Earth and projects the surface conformally onto the cone.

What is a Mollweide projection map?

The Mollweide projection is an equal-area pseudocylindrical map projection displaying the world in a form of an ellipse with axes in a 2:1 ratio. It is also known as Babinet, elliptical, homolographic, or homalographic projection. The Mollweide map projection is shown centered on Greenwich.

What is a Winkel Tripel projection map?

The Winkel Tripel is a compromise modified azimuthal projection for world maps. It is an arithmetic mean of projected coordinates of Aitoff and equidistant cylindrical projections. The projection is known to have one of the lowest mean scale and area distortions among compromise projections for small-scale mapping.

Does the Mercator projection distort direction?

Distortion. Mercator is a conformal map projection. Directions, angles, and shapes are maintained at infinitesimal scale. Any straight line drawn on this projection represents an actual compass bearing.

What are the 4 types of distortion?

There are four main types of distortion that come from map projections: distance, direction, shape and area.

Is Lambert Conformal conic Tangent or Secant?

The Lambert Conformal Conic projection can use a single latitude line as its point of contact (a tangent line), or the cone can intersect the earth’s surface along two lines, called secants. Along these two lines there is no distortion, but distortion does occur as the distance from the secants increases.

What are standard parallels?

standard parallel: A parallel of latitude used as a control line in the computation of a map projection, and which is therefore, true to scale. Some map projections have no defined standard parallel, others have one, while others have two.

Why is Mollweide projection called elliptical?

In 1805, Karl Brandan Mollweide (1774–1825) announced an equal-area world map projection that is aesthetically more pleasing than the sinusoidal because the world is placed in an ellipse with axes in a 2:1 ratio and all the meridians are equally spaced semiellipses.

What is meant by Mercator’s projection?

Definition of Mercator projection : a conformal map projection of which the meridians are usually drawn parallel to each other and the parallels of latitude are straight lines whose distance from each other increases with their distance from the equator.

What is the Lambertian pattern of escaping light?

Lambertian pattern of escaping light. There is a common pattern to the angular distribution escaping light from certain diffuse sources. The so-called Lambertian pattern depends on the angle relative to the normal that is perpendicular to the surface of the source.

What is the difference between a bum and a hobo?

A hobo or bo is simply a migrant laborer; he may take some longish holidays, but sooner or later he returns to work. Lower than either is the bum, who neither works nor travels, save when impelled to motion by the police. It is unclear exactly when hoboes first appeared on the American railroading scene.

What is the Lambertian patter for radiant intensity?

The so-called Lambertian patterndepends on the angle θ relative to the normal that is perpendicular to the surface of the source. For the case of radiant intensity I [W/sr], one can consider how I would vary as a function of the angle θ of observation: When observing the source perpendicular to the source’s surface, cosθ = 1 and I( θ) is maximal.

What do the symbols on a hobo sign mean?

Hobo signs (symbols) A wavy line (signifying water) above an X means fresh water and a campsite. Three diagonal lines mean it’s not a safe place. A square with a slanted roof (signifying a house) with an X through it means that the house has already been “burned” or “tricked” by another hobo and is not a trusting house.