What function does canaliculi serve?

What function does canaliculi serve?

osteocytes in small channels called canaliculi. By means of these canaliculi, nutrients and waste products are exchanged to maintain the viability of the osteocyte. Osteocytes are the most abundant type of cell in mature bone tissue. They also are long-lived, surviving as long as the bone they occupy exists.

What is the function of canaliculi in the context of osteocytes?

The canaliculi supply nutrients to the osteocytes, remove cellular wastes, and enable communication between cells.

What are the functions of osteoblasts osteocytes and osteoclasts?

They line the surface of the bone. These old osteoblasts are also called LINING CELLS. They regulate passage of calcium into and out of the bone, and they respond to hormones by making special proteins that activate the osteoclasts. OSTEOCYTES are cells inside the bone.

What cell produces Pepsinogen?

Gastric chief cells
Gastric chief cells secrete pepsin as an inactive zymogen called pepsinogen. Parietal cells within the stomach lining secrete hydrochloric acid that lowers the pH of the stomach.

What happens to blood pH after meal?

Alkaline tide refers to a condition, normally encountered after eating a meal, where during the production of hydrochloric acid by the parietal cells in the stomach, the parietal cells secrete bicarbonate ions across their basolateral membranes and into the blood, causing a temporary increase in pH.

What is the function of lacunae?

Function. If you look at the name ‘chondrocyte in lacunae,’ ‘lacunae’ is Latin for ‘lake.’ That’s exactly what the matrix is – a type of lake in which the chondrocytes ‘swim.’ This may lead you to ask why cartilage is important in the first place. One of the principal functions of some cartilage types is to keep bones from rubbing together.

What are the functions of central canal?

The central canal helps to transport nutrients to the spinal cord as well as protect it by cushioning the impact of a force when the spine is affected The central canal represents the adult remainder of the central cavity of the neural tube.

What does canaliculus mean?

In anatomy, a canaliculus is a small canal or duct or passageway in the body. It is used in the following terms: Bone canaliculus. It is a small channel in ossified bone, particularly between the lacunae of ossified bone.

How do canaliculi form?

Bone Canaliculi are the essential microscopic tubular canals that interconnect the cytoplasmic processes of osteocytes for the exchange of nutrients and oxygen and facilitate the removal of waste and carbon dioxide by diffusion. These canaliculi are formed during the formation of bone spicules for the process…