What liquid will react with a penny the most?

What liquid will react with a penny the most?

Vinegar. Acid speeds up the oxidation process taking place on copper. If you submerge a penny in even a relatively mild household acid, such as vinegar, it will start to tarnish. Some people recommend the use of vinegar combined with other ingredients, such as salt, to clean pennies.

What could you fit the most drops of on a penny?

Were you surprised to discover that a lot more drops of water fit on a penny than you predicted? We had 27 drops of water on ours! Surface tension and cohesion is the reason you can get so many drops of water on a penny. Cohesion is the “stickiness” of like molecules to one another.

What kind of mixture is a penny?

Explanation: A penny is made up of many elements such as zinc, nickel, and copper. That means that it is a mixture and not an element, as it has different elements inside it.

How do you corrode pennies?

Lay a penny in a bowl to experiment with rapid corrosion. Pour 1/2 tsp. salt on it and then cover the surface of the penny with vinegar or lemon juice. Wait five to 10 minutes and then remove the penny and place it on a paper towel or plate.

How many drops of soapy water can fit on a penny?

11 drops
I knew that the oil should have less surface tension than the water, but we had equal results – 23 drops for each. Soapy water had the least surface tension. We were only able to get 11 drops of soapy water on the penny.

How do you get more drops of water on a penny?

You should find that plain tap water produces a much larger, stable drop of water on top of the penny than the soapy water does. This is because plain tap water has higher surface tension, so the surface is “stronger” and can hold together a larger drop.

Are pennies copper?

Pennies are made of zinc coated with copper. Only nickels are one solid material—that same 75% copper/25% nickel alloy.

What are pennies made of?

The composition of pennies changed in late 1982, when zinc became the primary metal instead of copper. Before 1982, pennies were forged of 95 percent copper and 5 percent zinc. However, as copper became more expensive, it was abandoned as the primary metal. Pennies are now made of a zinc core and a thin copper coating.

How do pennies turn black?

Mix together equal parts of vinegar and salt, so that it coats all of the pennies. Let the pennies soak for 30 minutes. Drain out the mixture. Place the pennies on a baking sheet and let them dry completely.

How do you oxidize a penny fast?

Spread out your pennies on a paper towel liberally sprinkled with salt and just dampened with vinegar and your pennies will oxidize much faster.

What happens to a penny in soapy water?

Soap reduces the cohesive force, and breaks the surface tension. Soapy water makes smaller drops than plain water. Since soapy drops are smaller, more soapy drops will fit on a penny than plain water drops. Count ’em!

Why can a penny hold more drops of water than soapy water?

You should find that plain tap water produces a much larger, stable drop of water on top of the penny than the soapy water does. This is because plain tap water has higher surface tension, so the surface is “stronger” and can hold together a larger drop.

Why does a penny hold the most water?

The answer is no. Using drops on a penny provides only an indirect comparison of surface tensions at best. It could be argued that something else entirely allows the penny to hold the most water, and the fact that water’s surface tension is the highest of the three liquids is mere coincidence.

Which type of liquid can clean a coin the best?

For my science fair experiment, I wanted to answer the question of “Which Type Of Liquid Can Clean A Coin The Best?” My type of liquids consisted of Cola, Baking Soda Paste, Orange Juice, Water, Lemon Juice, and Dish Soap. I hypothesized that Lemon Juice would clean a coin the best because of it’s very strong acids.

Is it safe to clean pennies with chemicals?

While there are other ways to clean pennies that involve the use of chemical cleaners that contain acids or other harmful chemicals, these three are effective, non-toxic, and safe for children. Pennies are made from copper or copperplated zinc.

What are the three liquids in the penny game?

The three liquids are water, rubbing alcohol, and vegetable oil; because of their different surface tensions, more water can be piled on top of a penny than either of the other two liquids. However, this is not the main point of the activity.