What does the word naval stores mean?

What does the word naval stores mean?

: products (such as turpentine, pitch, and rosin) obtained from resinous conifers and especially pines.

Where did naval stores originate?

The naval stores industry in North America originated in the mid-eighteenth century in North Carolina. Before 1800 the major products of the trade were raw gum, pitch, and tar. After the American Revolution (1775-83), processes were developed for distilling spirits of turpentine from gum.

Why were naval stores so important?

Naval stores played a role during the American Revolutionary War. As Britain attempted to cripple French and Spanish capacities through blockade, they declared naval stores to be contraband. At the time Russia was Europe’s chief producer of naval stores, leading to the seizure of ‘neutral’ Russian vessels.

Why were the naval stores located near the coast of the southern colonies?

Naval stores were well suited to South Carolina not only because pine trees covered the state’s coastal plain, but also because labor demands were compatible with rice and cotton, and an otherwise idle workforce could be employed in winter.

What does naval stores mean in social studies?

noun. supplies for warships. various products of the pine tree, as resin, pitch, or turpentine, used in building and maintaining wooden ships.

How did England increase the production of naval stores in South Carolina?

To encourage the American naval stores industry, Parliament passed a law in 1705 that required the British Navy to pay inflated prices for tar, pitch, turpentine, rosin, hemp, and masts from British colonies.

Why did production of naval stores decrease?

Because of a shortage of workers willing to perform the heavy manual labor involved in the streaking of many acres of trees and in collecting the resin tree by tree as well, the gum naval stores industry entered a period of steep decline beginning in the 1960s.

Which colonies produced naval stores?

In the early nineteenth century the southern states, especially the Carolina “tarheels,” began to dominate the industry. Naval store production continued in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Florida.

Why would England encourage the development of a naval stores industry in its American colonies?

Naval stores were important in England’s colonial commercial policy, for England had normally purchased these goods from Sweden, which meant an unfavorable balance of trade to the mercantilists and the danger that an enemy might cut off the supply.

Does turpentine come from trees?

Turpentine is a volatile oil and is distilled from pine resin, which is obtained by tapping trees of the genus Pinus. The solid material which is left behind after distillation is known as rosin.

Where was the highest concentration of naval stores?

Great Britain even offered a bounty for naval stores, encouraging the growth of the industry. With a multitude of longleaf pines, the Cape Fear Valley, especially the region made up of present-day Harnett and Cumberland Counties, was the location of most naval stores production.

What percentage of England’s ships were built in America before the American Revolution?

By the eve of the Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the colonial shipbuilding industry was well established. While values are difficult to determine because of the nature of available records, scholars have estimated that at least one-third of the British merchant fleet at that time was American built.

Where did the Royal Navy get its naval stores from?

Colonial North America. The Royal Navy relied heavily upon naval stores from American colonies, and naval stores were an essential part of the colonial economy. Masts came from the large white pines of New England, while pitch came from the longleaf pine forests of Carolina, which also produced sawn lumber, shake shingles, and staves.

What is the meaning of naval stores?

Naval stores. Naval stores are all products derived from pine sap, which are used to manufacture soap, paint, varnish, shoe polish, lubricants, linoleum, and roofing materials. The term naval stores originally applied to the resin -based components used in building and maintaining wooden sailing ships,…

What is the history of the naval stores industry in North Carolina?

The naval stores industry in North Carolina started during the early 1700s. In 1720, the English Parliament enacted a bounty to encourage colonists to engage in the industry, because Great Britain’s dependence on its naval trade necessitated many boats.

How did Old Navy get its name?

Once upon time, the founder of Old Navy was in Paris, France and came upon this bar or cafe named Old Navy. The founder simply liked the name and that is why he named the clothing stores Old Navy.