What do coins do in Sumdog?

What do coins do in Sumdog?

Coins can be used by students to buy items to decorate their house or avatar in the Sumdog store. Students can only spend coins they earn by playing games or that have been sent to them by a teacher or parent in the game. When you set work for your students they will earn bonus coins when they complete their activity.

How do you buy stuff on Sumdog?

You can always play in the house outside of school hours and on the weekends. Click ‘Buy’ to buy the item.

How do you get games on Sumdog?

Games can be chosen by scrolling across the screen or by pressing on the Games icon. The Play World button lets pupil choose to play the computer (robot), someone in their class or anyone else (all pupils playing have to be logged in and it will only show their first name. Playing this mode is safe for pupils).

What do you get if you win a Sumdog competition?

Daily winner: printable Certificate of Achievement. Top 10 student: printable Certificate of Achievement. Participation reward: all students who participate in any contest will receive a special item for their Sumdog house.

How do you get a kitchen in Sumdog 2021?

Sumdog is giving every student who uses Sumdog in May a new room for their on-screen house. To find it, click the doors at the side of your child’s Sumdog house. A basic kitchen has been put in it – but they can fill it with whatever they like.

How do you get more rooms on Sumdog?

Sumdog (Play in May get a new room) To find it, click the doors at the side of your child’s Sumdog house. A basic kitchen has been put in it – but they can fill it with whatever they like. If your child has collected kitchen items over the past few weeks, they’ll be delivered at the start of next week.

How do you get 2 Pets on Sumdog?

How to get another pet after your first one. Your pet will learn a new trick each time you master a skill on Sumdog. You can do this by playing games in Training mode. After your pet has learnt all of its tricks you will be awarded a new pet once you complete the next skill.

Is Sumdog good for kids?

It’s especially great for younger kids, who have more patience for “learning” games. It does require a log in, which might be tough for K-1 students. SumDog automatically generates little log in tickets for each student, which is great, but the tickets and writing are very small and are hard to read sometimes.

How do you get a kitchen in Sumdog?

How do you get points in Sumdog competition?

Individual score guide Each correct answer is equal to one point in the contest. There is a question limit of 1,000 questions during the contest to ensure that it is fair. That means that once a student has answered 1,000 questions as part of a contest, any questions that follow will not count towards their score.

How do you change your animal on Sumdog?
