What are some problems in Fiji?

What are some problems in Fiji?

Fiji faces environmental challenges related to the degradation of land resources, increased risk of flooding and inundation to coastal settlements as an impact of climate change, unsustainable exploitation of marine resources, and the environmental impact of urbanization which undermines people’s quality of life.

Why is Fiji poor?

Since the first military coup in 1987, poverty in Fiji has continued to increase. The coup resulted in political instability leading to a decline in economic performance and a growing issue of poverty. In Fiji, 45% of the population lives below the national poverty line, more than 250,000 individuals.

Does Fiji have a lot of crime?

Crime is a continuing problem in Fiji, and can have a major impact on the work and life of the community. The majority of crime occurs in more densely populated urban areas. The most common types of crime are property crimes (e.g. robbery, burglary, petty theft).

Is Fiji a poor place?

Poverty Data: Fiji. In Fiji, 29.9% of the population lives below the national poverty line in 2019. In 2019, 100% has access to electricity in Fiji.

Is Fiji safe to live?

Crime in Fiji The most common forms of crime against expats are robbery and petty theft. Home break-ins are common and many residents employ a security guard or live somewhere with a high fence. Take this into consideration when choosing a place to live.

Is it safe to live in Fiji?

Fiji is a very safe place for travellers and common sense is all you really need to ensure a safe and happy holiday. That said, Fiji isn’t immune to crime and occasionally tourists are targeted. It is worth keeping the following in mind. When you’re in Nadi or Suva do not walk around at night, even in a group.

Is Fiji poor or rich?

Whether you are rich or you are poor, these—indeed—are very strange and frightening times….Advertisement.

Rank Country GDP-PPP ($)
109 Bhutan 12,135
110 Fiji 11,902
111 Algeria 11,829
112 Vietnam 11,608

What should you avoid in Fiji?

Avoid reef fish if possible as they have been associated with sickness, not just in Fiji but in many of the South Pacific Islands. Reef fish live in shallower areas and feed off the coral, which at certain times of year can have a toxic bloom on them, infecting the fish.

Is Fiji a safe place to live?

Which drugs are common in Fiji?

Cannabis is by far the most common and widespread illicit drug used in Fiji.

Are there any poisonous snakes in Fiji?

There is only one venomous land snake in Fiji, the Bolo Snake. However, it is extremely elusive and has only been recorded on the island of Viti Levu. Fiji has several venomous sea snakes, though, the most dangerous of which is the Banded Sea Krait.

How is life in Fiji?

The climate is pleasant with maximum temperatures rarely moving beyond 26-31 degrees Celsius (78 – 87 F). December is the rainy season with intermittent downpours that ensure Fiji stays lush and green. Fiji is free from malaria, yellow fever and major tropical diseases that are endemic to most tropical countries.

What are the biggest challenges facing Fiji?

With such a large population spread out over multiple islands, delivering basic needs to everyone such as health care and education is extremely difficult. Youth unemployment is also another major issue facing Fiji. Majority of the schools in Fiji are in extremely poor condition.

Why is Fiji a poor country?

Fiji islands. Poverty is a major issue facing Fiji. Over 250,000 people in Fiji face poverty, and many more live on or just slightly above the poverty line. With such a large population spread out over multiple islands, delivering basic needs to everyone such as health care and education is extremely difficult.

How many people have died in the Fiji drought?

Eight people were reported to have been killed, six from drowning and two killed in a landslide. The areas that are driest (also called the dry zones) are the lower islands and leeward areas of the Fiji Islands. These areas are also most vulnerable to droughts.

What are the main causes of illness in Fiji?

Lack of fresh water in Fiji is another cause to severe illness. According to the Asian Development Bank only 50% of Fiji has accessibility to safe drinking water and proper sanitation. &5% of urban areas has access to proper sanitation, while only 12% of rural areas has access to proper sanitation.