What city is at 30 N 31 E?

What city is at 30 N 31 E?

Cairo location and latitude and longitude (30N, 31E)

What major city is near 50 N 4 E?

The following table lists the latitude and longitude coordinates of major world cities in alphabetical order by city name….Major Cities: Latitude, Longitude, and Corresponding Time Zones.

City Lyons, France
Latitude 45
45 N
Longitude 4
50 E

What country is 30 N 30 E?

Around the world

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea Notes
30°0′N 0°0′E Algeria
30°0′N 9°28′E Libya
30°0′N 24°56′E Egypt Passing just south of Cairo
30°0′N 34°32′E Israel Passing just north of Kibbutz Lotan

What country is located at 50n 9e?

What country is located at 52 degrees north and 0 degrees?…What country is 50 N 20 E?

Name : 50n 20e
State : Lesser Poland Voivodeship
District : Kraków County
Locality : Krakow

Which city is 60 N 30 E?

60 degrees North Latitude, 30 degrees East longitude (60N 30E) – Saint Petersburg.

What place is 13 N 122 E?

Philippine Islands are located within the latitude and longitude of 13° 00 N, 122° 00 E. Philippines are located in the northern hemisphere. It is located in the southeastern coast of Asia.

What country is 33 N 35 E?

Around the world

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea Notes
33°0′N 35°53′E Syria
33°0′N 38°5′E Jordan
33°0′N 39°3′E Iraq Passing just south of Baghdad
33°0′N 46°6′E Iran

Which city is located near 33 N and 84 W?

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA — This city is located in the plains of the American Midwest and is subject to tornadoes and other extreme weather. National Oklahoma City Memorial.

What is 60 degrees north and 30 degrees east?

60 degrees North Latitude, 30 degrees East longitude (60N 30E) – Saint Petersburg.

What country is latitude 50n and longitude 10e?

What country is latitude 50 N and longitude 10e?

Name : 50n 10e
Country : World
State : Bavaria
District : Lower Franconia
Locality : Arnstein

Where is the 50 degree latitude?

The 50th parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 50 degrees north of the Earth’s equatorial plane. It crosses Europe, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America, and the Atlantic Ocean.