What is a 5 letter word for expel?

What is a 5 letter word for expel?

Expel Crossword Clue

Answer Letters Options
Expel with 5 Letters
EXILE 5 found
EVICT 5 found
LEAVE 5 found

What is a five letter word for ward off?

All Crossword-Answers for: Ward off

Answer Letters

What is a soothsayer crossword clue?

Soothsayer Crossword Clue

Answer Letters Options
Soothsayer with 7 Letters
PROPHET 7 found
DIVINER 7 found
PSYCHIC 7 found

Is aware of crossword clue?

The crossword clue Is aware of with 6 letters was last seen on the July 20, 2021. We think the likely answer to this clue is SENSES. Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank….Is Aware Of Crossword Clue.

Rank Word Clue
3% SENTIENT Aware male is lacking in feeling

Who was the mischievous fairy?

16th–17th century. The character Puck, also referred to as Robin Goodfellow and Hobgoblin, appears as a vassal of the Fairy King Oberon in William Shakespeare’s 1595/96 play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and is responsible for the mischief that occurs.

What is the German River that leads to the North Sea?

flowing into the North Sea: Rhine (and its main tributaries Moselle, Main and Neckar), Weser and Elbe (and its main tributaries Havel and Saale)

What is another word for fortified building?

castle; château; fortified building; knight’s castle; fortress; stronghold; citadel; fort; fortification.

What is Gaucho’s weapon?

Gauchos use bolas made of braided leather cords with wooden balls or small leather sacks full of stones at the ends of the cords. Bolas can be named depending on the number of weights used: Perdida (one weight)

Who is a suit Sayer?

Definition of soothsayer : a person who predicts the future by magical, intuitive, or more rational means : prognosticator.

What is a 5 letter word for proportion?

Proportion Crossword Clue

Answer Letters Options
Proportion with 5 Letters
RATIO 5 found
PATCH 5 found
SHARE 5 found

What is another word for pass out?

Synonyms for pass out include collapse, faint, swoon, black out, conk out, keel over, drop, flake out, become unconscious and lose consciousness. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

What is another word for pass?

Synonyms for pass include go, move, proceed, travel, flow, progress, roll, run, course and drive. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

What does it mean to pass out in the military?

pass out. vb (adverb) 1. (Pathology) (intr) informal to become unconscious; faint. 2. (Military) (intr) Brit (esp of an officer cadet) to qualify for a military commission; complete a course of training satisfactorily: General Smith passed out from Sandhurst in 1933.

What is the difference between pass out and fainting?

pass out – pass out from weakness, physical or emotional distress due to a loss of blood supply to the brain. faint, swoon, conk. zonk out, pass out, black out – lose consciousness due to a sudden trauma, for example.