How does the weight of an object change if you take it to the moon?

How does the weight of an object change if you take it to the moon?

Complete step by step answer: -When an object is taken to the moon from Earth, then the thing loses its weight. The weight decreases. Your weight is going to be 16 of the moon what you had on Earth. This is because the mass of the moon is a smaller amount hence the gravitational pull is extremely low compared to Earth.

Can the mass of a substance change if you bring it to the moon?

No. Using those concepts, look at what happens to the astronaut who ventures from the Earth to the moon. Moving from the gravity of the Earth to the gravity of the moon, the astronaut’s weight certainly changes, but his mass remains the same.

Would you weigh the same if you Travelled to the moon?

A: Our weight on moon is less than it would be on Earth due to a difference of the strength of gravity on the moon. The moon’s gravitation force is determined by the mass and the size of the moon. This means that if you went to the moon you would weigh less, even though your mass stays the same!

Why does mass not change but weight does on the moon?

Mass and Weight Weight is a measure of how much gravity pulls on a mass or object. On the moon, there is less gravity pulling on objects, so they weigh less. For example, a rock that weighs one pound while on Earth will weigh less than that if it is taken to the moon.

How much weight is the Earth?

5.972 × 10^24 kg

Which force is responsible for the weight of the object?

Gravitational force
Gravitational force is responsible for the weight of physical objects.

Can a body has mass but no weight?

Yes, a body can have a mass but no weight. This is because the weight of the body varies from place to place with the value of acceleration due to gravity.

Is it true that you would weigh less if you were standing on the Moon?

You weigh less when you stand on the Moon, because the force of attraction is less. If you weigh 150 lb on the Earth, you would weigh only 25 lb on the Moon. You haven’t changed (you are made up of the same atoms), but the force exerted on you is different.

Why is your weight on the moon 1/6 that on Earth?

The mass of the moon is 1/100 times and its radius 1/4 times that of earth. The moon’s gravitation force is determined by the mass and the size of the moon. Hence, the weight of an object on the moon is 1/6th its weight on the earth. The moon is far less massive than the Earth and has a different radius(R) as well.

Is it true that you would weigh less if you were standing on the moon?

Is there gravity in space?

In fact, a small amount of gravity can be found everywhere in space. Gravity is what holds the moon in orbit around Earth. Gravity, however, does become weaker with distance. It is possible for a spacecraft to go far enough from Earth that a person inside would feel very little gravity.

Is it true that the elephant weighs more than the feather?

Since weight is a measure of gravity’s pull upon an object, it would also be appropriate to say that the elephant weighs more than the feather. For these reasons, all of the eight statements are false; there is an erroneous part to each statement due to the confusion of weight, mass, and force of gravity.

How does the mass of an elephant affect acceleration?

Thus, the greater mass of the elephant (which tends to produce small accelerations) offsets the influence of the greater force. It is the force/mass ratio which determines the acceleration. Even though a baby elephant may experience 100 000 times the force of a feather, it has 100 000 times the mass.

Why are the eight statements about the Elephant’s weight false?

For these reasons, all of the eight statements are false; there is an erroneous part to each statement due to the confusion of weight, mass, and force of gravity. But if the elephant weighs more and experiences a greater downwards pull of gravity compared to the feather, why then does it hit the ground at the same time as the feather?

What causes the elephant and the feather to fall?

In the absence of air resistance, both the elephant and the feather are in a state of free-fall. That is to say, the only force acting upon the two objects is the force of gravity. This force of gravity is what causes both the elephant and the feather to accelerate downwards.