How old is Mount Papandayan?

How old is Mount Papandayan?

After its first historical eruption in 1772, in which collapse of the NE flank produced a catastrophic debris avalanche that destroyed 40 villages and killed nearly 3000 persons, only small phreatic eruptions had occurred prior to an explosive eruption that began in November 2002.

What type of volcano is Mount Papandayan?

Papandayan is a complex stratovolcano which is found in a row of volcanoes. It has very distinctive yellow crater walls due to coloring by sulfur.

Is the Papandayan volcano active?

This volcano is situated on the Indonesian island of the West Java, The Papandayan Volcano is a crater-filled semi-active volcano which is a stratovolcano referred as composite-cone volcano, this also contained fumarole fields that still have an active activity.

How long does a stratovolcano eruption last?

According to the Smithsonian Institute’s Global Volcanism Program, the median length of time for a single eruption is seven weeks.

Why do stratovolcanoes form?

An eruption of highly viscous (very sticky) magma tends to produce steep-sided volcanoes with slopes that are about 30–35°. That’s because the viscous volcanic material doesn’t flow that far from where it is erupted, so it builds up in layers forming a cone-shaped volcano known as a stratovolcano.

What causes a stratovolcano to erupt?

Explosive eruptions occur at stratovolcanoes due to the high gas concentration in the magma. As the magma rises, the gases release, causing the pressure beneath the volcano to increase. Once this pressure becomes large enough, an explosive eruption occurs.

Where do Stratovolcanoes occur?

Stratovolcanoes are common at subduction zones, forming chains and clusters along plate tectonic boundaries where oceanic crust is drawn under continental crust (continental arc volcanism, e.g. Cascade Range, Andes, Campania) or another oceanic plate (island arc volcanism, e.g. Japan, Philippines, Aleutian Islands).